Free KS 1 Videos


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Here are 5 of the Key Stage 1 clips from Active Music. The first 3 clips are taken from ‘Pitch for Key Stage 1’ and the last 2 are taken from ‘Singing games for Key Stage 1’. When you click on the blue titles, the notations will appear for you to print out.


Teaching children to hear whether the pitch they are singing back to you is the same as yours is quite difficult – but this game is non-judgemental and makes it easy.  If the child sings back at a pitch that is different, we can listen to what they are singing and copy them instead – so no-one feels they are wrong. It’s also a really great game to focus listening skills.


This one is a 3-note pitch-matching game using puppets. The children are usually very keen to have a turn and in doing so are practising their solo singing and pitch-matching skills.


This is another pitch-matching game with puppets – to a melody you may recognise! It gives children an opportunity to practise matching the pitch you are singing at, while passing a selection of puppets. The melody you use to sing the questions can be changed, enabling you to respond to the musical progress you see in each child.


This is a lovely singing game from the popular traditional song, ‘Little rabbit Foo Foo’.  The children perform actions while singing the story. The ‘Good Fairy’ leads the song and this could be you or an able child, when they know it well.


Finally, for the moment, this is a circle game called ‘Oats and beans and barley grow’. I think success is achieved with singing games when the children choose to play them without you, as they are here! This is an accumulative singing game, gathering more pairs in the centre as it continues. The children perform actions and choose partners at particular moments within the song, requiring the skills of moving to a steady pulse and being aware of phrase length as well as the social skills of cooperation, choices and turn-taking. All of this is done, of course, while beautifully singing!

These are just 5 of our vast range of Key Stage 1 clips.  If you want to know more about the others, you can find content lists of all the DVDs by clicking HERE.  If you want more free games and activities, keep watching, because more will be posted soon.

Are you someone who learns well through watching?  I am! That’s why I created so many  video clips of musical activities and singing games, to help busy teachers like yourselves.  Reading lengthy instructions when you are already overloaded can seem impossible, especially if music is not your favourite activity.  By watching, you can see immediately if the game or activity would suit your class, what it sounds like and how it works. I know many teachers who have used the DVD clips on their whiteboards as a teaching method for the children to sing and play along to – it gets them out of singing, if they really don’t want to, and yet culmintates in a happy and successful music lesson. Da-daa!

If you like the clips and think you can learn/teach from them, how about someone providing you with a whole set of lesson plans for your school or year group where nearly all the activities are in DVD form like this – where the tasks are progressive and where every lesson plan has clear links to the Music National Curriculum, so you don’t have to think!  That is what Active Music can provide for you! Please see ‘Testimonials’.

If you love singing, like I do, then these clips can be a useful repertoire source and the lesson plans can be a way of you letting someone do all the thinking and planning for you, so you can relax and enjoy the actual music making!

Please let me know if any of these games have been helpful, as that was the idea when creating them!

2 thoughts on “Free KS 1 Videos

  1. Pingback: WELCOME TO ACTIVE MUSIC! | Active Music Lesson Plans

  2. Pingback: WELCOME TO ACTIVE MUSIC! | Active Music Lesson Plans

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